Münich, home of BMW and Audi. I have had a good time here seeing the sights despite the rain and very chilly/cold weather. I didn´t realize that over 80% of this city was completely destroyed from the bombings of WW II. The locals passed a law when the rebuilding began to build as close to the original architecture as possible. Even though most buildings are relatively new, they still have the original look. I visited Maffeistr... and the town hall that has a huge bell tower with life size statues that move and put on a show as well as the Englischer Garten and Hofbrauhaus. I was also able to have two proper German meals in the local places, one with a local guy too. The waitress wore the traditional Bavarian clothing and was really rude, which apparently is common.
At 8/12/2006 10:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
You have sure been on a world wind trip...love all your desciptions of the places you have visited...almost seems like I'm there as you tell about them. Are you going to be flying out of London to come back home? If so be really careful...such trying times we are going thru. It at least sounds like in general most of the world's people are nice (except for the one waitress...maybe she was just having a bad day...or even a bad life!). We got Breck all moved up to Nashville...she seems to be settling in very nicely. The first week she was pretty homesick for all her friends and us. She is working right now at Smokey Bones in Franklin and training for server/bartender at Bonefish in Franklin. As soon as she is thru with her training she will give up her job at SB and work full times at BF. Where are you going to be living once in Nashville...do you have a place yet? Breck and Mindy are in Antioch right now...which come to find out after they rented their apt. it's not really the best area to be in...but the complex they are in seems to be very family oriented and all her neighbors are older couples and seem to be watching out for them. Once they see how much money they will be making and their lease is up I think they may move on over to Murfreesboro or Franklin. The only drawback with Franklin is since it is very upscale rent is pretty high. Murf. is only about 20 min. away from Franklin when you go the back way plus more resonable on rent because of the college kids, so I think that is probably where they will settle. Anyway when you get back in the states and settled in the big Nashville-Breck said to give her a call if you wanted some good people to hang out. She has hooked back up with a bunch of her friends from MTSU so they are always busy doing something. Well I will sign off now and I pray you have a very, very safe trip back to the states. Lyndi
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