Europe Slide Show

The adventures of life and travel in Australia & New Zealand. And now Europe.
I have had the last couple of days here in Belgium. I didn't realize that Brussels is the home of the European Union though I don't know exactly what that entails. I spent the day touring the sights, as always. I sawthe Grand Place (town square basically), the Botanical Gardens, Parliament, the Royal Palace, Brussels park, and St. Michaels. There's really not a lot to see here, but it is a nice city. It has the old European feel but with some modern skkyscrapers in there. Tonight I stopped in the main square to see what was going on. They were having some type of entertainment. I guess you would call in modern art. There were many people on stilts wearing huge white suits. They looked like giant snowmen and they had a variety of tricks and dances they did to the music playing. It was one of a kind. |